(403) 233-0969
Proudly serving housing co-operatives in Southern Alberta since 1985
International Co-op Symbol
The Rainbow Flag
1925 - 2001
The Rainbow Flag was adopted as the official
co-operative symbol by leaders in the International
Co-operative Alliance (ICA) in 1925.
It includes all the colours of the flags of the world. While each of the seven colours contributes to the whole by symbolizing harmony and universal unity of all people, each represents a specific meaning:
Red - courage to stand together
Orange - hope for the future
Yellow - warmth, friendship and concern for others
Green - growth in co-operatives and individually, as we learn more about ourselves and others
Sky Blue - unlimited horizons and possibilities
Dark Blue - hard work and perseverance
Violet - respect for others

"Cooperatives are people centered enterprises owned, controlled and run by and for their members to realize their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations." - International Co-operative Alliance (ICA)
International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) Logo
2001 - 2013
In 2001, a new flag was adopted to avoid confusion with other well-known rainbow flags. The logo on this version depicted doves of peace emerging from a rainbow.

Global Co-operative Marquee
2013 - Present
In 2013, the global Cooperative Marque was launched and became the new global cooperative visual identity, used to provide a 'promotional umbrella' and 'unity of purpose' for the global cooperative movement, it is the symbol that is in use today.